Our Supports committees are members of the community who have agreed to "work together to combat Lyme and associated diseases".
We will be adding to the list periodically so please check back.
Physiological Supports ServicesDeLores A. Davis MSW LSW has recently joined our “support team”, offering private counseling services. Delores is offering house call services and fee for service based on a sliding scale. By minimizing her office expenses, she will be able to pass those savings onto her clients. This service is also a unique benefit to those, who experience chronic illness and pain with mobility issues, which we have seen and been trying to help for the past couple of years. DeLores feels having house call services will better serve those, who would otherwise be unable to access mental health services. We feel this is going to be a huge asset to the community in offering this rare type of service. DeLores has had additional experience working with nonprofits, researching and writing grants as well as fund raising. She has assisted in developing employee and volunteer handbooks, creating policies and procedures for nonprofits and individual departments within the system, as well as working with public and private organizations to encourage volunteerism among their membership. DeLores is a Graduate of Susquehanna Community class of 89. She then pursued her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology from the University of Florida. After returning to Pennsylvania in ’98 she then worked for ten years at Susquehanna County Children and Youth, followed by five years at the Susquehanna County Assistance Office. While at the Assistance Office, DeLores attended graduate school for Social Work at Temple University, finished her Masters degree in Social Work in 2013 and was licensed by the state of Pennsylvania, before she received her diploma. DeLores’ focus in graduate school was with military issues, where she focused specifically on PTSD and traumatic brain injuries and how those issues not only impact the service member, but also their spouses and family. Since graduation, DeLores has received additional training in CBT and CPT specific for PTSD of service members. The CPT training is the same protocol the VA social workers currently utilize. She has a strong foundation and understanding of family issues and providing family counseling. Since graduation, DeLores has been working as a medical social worker for a sub-contractor of Humana health. She has been assisting individuals and families coping with chronic physical and mental health issues as well as chronic pain. Some of the common issues she has been working with these individuals include: smoke cessation, sleep hygiene, coping with loss, adjusting to new limitations, anger management, and advocating for services. 570-465-2490 |
Dietary Supports ServicesDonna LaBar
Donna is well known in our community for being an assistant to healthy living, and healing through the natural approach. She has agreed to be one of our consultants in dietary and nutrition, and is a certified Integrative Health Coach, with a different approach to eating, getting more nutrients and a balanced lifestyle, she helps others find a healthy approach to improve common health issues and life struggles, turning many stones, restoring their hope in gaining a healthy way of life. Donna wrote Simple. Natural. Healing. with Morgan James Publishing and A FREE eBOOK available right now by clicking the tab on the top of her website, download it to your email. You can start with some new ideas today! Click on her name to go to her website and read more about her story and what she does. |
Physical Support Services |
Group Leader Support Services